martes, 10 de abril de 2007

Romeo and Juliet, the dyslexic version.

Marty: You should wait until you meet someone who excites you.
Willie Conway: Well, she may not be out there.
Marty: It's like the Wizard of Oz. It was in your own backyard.
Willie Conway:
What do you mean?

You. Me and you.

Willie Conway: Really?
Yep. You don't think?

Willie Conway: Well, we have a little age problem.
Marty: I know. We're as star-crossed as Romeo and Juliet.It's a tragedy of Elizabethan proportions.
"What light through yonder window breaks?

Willie Conway:
"Tis the east and Juliet is the sun."

Marty: Weird.No way.
Willie Conway:
So, um... So what do we do?

Alas, poor Romeo, we can't do diddly. You'll go to penitentiary,I'll be the laughing stock of the Brownies. But if your feelings for me are true, you'll wait.

Willie Conway:

Marty: Yep. Wait 5 years.I'll be 18 and we can walk through this world together.
Willie Conway:
In 5 years you won't remember me. I'm formed and you're not. You have changes to go through. You'll change.

Willie Conway: And I'll be Winnie The Pooh to your Christopher Robin.
Marty: No literary reference left unturned. How do you figure Pooh?
Willie Conway: Christopher Robin outgrew Pooh. That's how it ended.He had Pooh when he was a child. When he matured,he didn't need him any more.
That's the saddest thing I ever heard.

Willie Conway: Yeah, but it's true. You don't realise it now, but you'll be doing some changing.


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